
They may seem perfect and fun from the outside, but until you get into one you’ll never realise the emotions and thoughts that come with them. Don’t get me wrong, some of these emotions are wonderful.

Being single does not make you any less of a person. It can mean you are wise and cautious, not wanting to rush into anything with someone who may mistreat you. There is so much more to life than talking about guys and wondering if you’ll ever get with someone. Here are some of the things which helped me get over my last break-up, and took my mind off finding ‘the one’:

1. Go for runs

Exercise is a brilliant way to distract yourself from any problems you may be having. It may seem like a lot of effort, but running even just for half an hour releases endorphins, which balance your hormone levels. I have been going for hour-long speed walks every night after school with a close friend, and since then, my confidence levels have really been boosted, and I’m generally feeling much better in myself. So give it a try. What could go wrong?

2. Watch TV

Take your mind off soppy love stories and try chilling in the dark with some snacks while watching your favourite comedies! Watching movies like Titanic and The Fault In Our Stars will not put you in a reasonable frame of mind after a break-up or when you’re going through a lot. Try watching some Adam Sandler films like Billy Madison or even a slapstick like The Three Stooges. It’ll make you laugh and feel so much better.

3. Find a hobby

No, lying in bed all day watching Netflix on your phone is not classed as a hobby! Get out and do something new, even if it’s joining a local exercise class or starting to learn a new musical instrument. Anything creative will take your mind off any negative thoughts you may be having, and writing poetry and songs/raps about how you feel is a great way to relieve stress. Try something new. What’s the worst that could happen?

4. Socialise More

As I’ve learnt from experience, staying at home on your phone all day and scrolling through social media will not make you feel any happier. It would be best if you did something to take your mind off all the negative things. Try meeting with your friends and going for a walk, or perhaps going for a shopping trip with a group of close friends.