Sometimes at university you find yourself working and revising until all hours, and it gets to the point where you have revised so much you have forgotten to sleep, eat and rest.

This all stems from when I became really ill during Christmas, I was stressing about January exams and as a result of that I forgot to look after myself and contracted a nasty virus.

So here are my tips for all you students out there on how to stay fit and healthy during an important time at school or university.

1. Drink

No alcohol (although the odd GnT is perfectly acceptable if you are trying to wind down after writing a 2000-word essay), but water. Water is the most important liquid to drink whilst revising or doing strenuous work. Water will keep you refreshed and hydrated throughout the day. If, like me, you are fussy regarding the taste of water I recommend using the Bobble Bottle. This bottle has a filter which improves the taste of your tap water.

2. Eat

Eat, eat, eat. The amount of times I have seen my fellow students not eating before an exam because they are too nervous is crazy. Eating some brain food before an exam is the best thing for your grey matter. Forget the crisps and chocolate bar that you bought from the shop, make yourself a healthy packed lunch and add some vitamins and minerals. Fruit and vegetables will give you a boost of energy when you are revising and writing that assignment.

3. Take a chill pill

Although you need to work hard and ensure you are fully prepared for the exam, you must also spend time taking breaks. It will give your brain a rest and a chance to reflect and catch up on all that knowledge you have taken in. Read that chapter on media law, highlight to your heart’s content and then close that book and go for a walk or listen to some music. Whatever you do, make sure it isn’t work-related and don’t worry if you are still relaxing and your mates are working hard. You are more likely to retain all that revision in your noggin.

4. Sleep

Ensure you don’t stay up too late before an exam or during revision. You need time to refresh yourself and wind down. During deadlines and exams I stay up till 10 or 11pm then go straight to bed as us students need at least 8 hours of sleep to get ourselves prepared for the next day ahead. Walking into uni for an exam looking like a zombie with bags under your eyes is not a good look.

5. Don’t Stress

Easier said than done, but trying not to stress about an exam is very important. It is the worst thing you can do. Getting wound up over a paper will not do you any favours, and it will not make it easier.