It lets you be creative – I don’t know about you guys, but my day job is not very creative currently and writing my blog lets me get this out of my system.

  1. You meet lots of new people – through my blog and social media I have met lots of new fun and creative souls, and some can turn in to life-long friends.
  2. Everyone thinks in a similar way – how often do you sit and look at someone and think why don’t you understand why I have to spend hours taking photos of this flower? Don’t worry, there are others out there like you!
  3. You can just be you – the
    blogosphere is actually very accepting of who you are.
  4. There are loads of cool events that you can go to – for instance, I recently wentto a blog festival and learnt a lot and had so much fun.
  5. You can blame your blog for impulse purchasesthat expensive makeup palette was bought for the good of the blog!
  6. You can learn or grow your skillsPersonally, I am not the best with technology, but suddenly, I needed to be, so now it comes easy (ish).
  7. You can try new things you wouldn’t have otherwise had the opportunity to.
  8. It looks good on your CV (depending on what job you want to do, of course)

Like any new venture, starting your blog comes with some risks, but these can easily be avoided. By putting your writing and pictures online for all to see, you are open to scrutiny – so if you take criticism badly, blogging might not be for you. Furthermore, some people are haters just for the sake of it.

To maintain your blog’s standard you have to put a lot of time and effort in- if you want a good following then you have to put in the time and deliver sufficient content. At the same time, don’t get so preoccupied with your blog that you forget to enjoy life, or start to doubt your abilities.

Depending on your vision for your blog, there can be a lot to learn. If you want to customise your blog, you will have to understand basic coding and website building.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that whatever you write is available for everyone with an Internet connection to see. When it comes to finding a job, employers check everything- don’t say anything you wouldn’t say to someone’s face, and definitely do not have a go at your boss through the Internet.